
Can you pray for us?

We believe in prayer! When we pray, we talk to God - which is awesome, and makes prayer the most powerful thing (and the most loving) anyone can do for another. If you believe in prayer, can we ask you to pray for us and our ministry?

Virtual Prayer Meetings…

We are really excited to have recently launched a new monthly prayer meeting. As our supporters are all over the world we can’t meet physically, but we can use social media to do it - in our case, specifically Instagram Live. We ‘meet’ on the last Monday of each month at 1pm UK time - although the live is recorded to our instagram feed, so you can watch and join in any time thereafter. To get all the details, you will need to follow us on instagram.

Prayer Emails…

We are hoping to launch a brief monthly prayer email with prayer requests and thanksgiving, coming out shortly after our prayer meeting. Sign up below…

Burning Heart Partners

Everyone who gives or commits to praying for our ministry is also invited to join our Burning Heart Partners programme, with exclusive pre-releases of our films, quarterly zoom calls with our Ministry Director (David Ingall), and regular updates on our ministry. Sign up below to join our prayer supporters…

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