
Can you help us
make this series?

We are planning a new film series exploring the amazing book of Daniel - could you help us make that happen by giving?

The series will be written and presented by our Ministry Director (David Ingall), and is provisionally titled Does God Still Reign? Does God Still Care? - you can find a one page concept plan here. We’ve already received gifts to cover over two thirds of the costs, including all David’s work on the series. We are looking to raise a further £10,000 ($12,000) to fund filming and production. Thank you so much!

We hope to start cameras rolling in the Spring of 2024, with a launch date that Autumn - although those who’ve given towards the series will get a pre-release at least 1 month before general release. If you can’t wait though, do check out our other series here!

We are grateful to our giving partners Stewardship (UK) and TrustBridge Global, who help us manage donations tax-efficiently - if you would rather give through PayPal though, click here.

Once we’ve raised the funds we will close this campaign, but if there is a small surplus it will go towards the general funds of the charity.

Could you give regularly?

Regular giving not only helps us make each of our series, but also to plan ahead and fund on-going costs like our website and partnerships. Could you join our regular givers? If ‘yes’ - please click here to give through Stewardship (UK), or here to give through TrustBridge Global, or here through PayPal.

Everyone who gives towards our ministry is also invited to join our Burning Heart Partners programme, with exclusive pre-releases of our films, and other benefits.